Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Nom Nom Nom

Today was a cooking/ baking day.I made some green beans wrapped in turkey bacon sprinkled with brown sugar. S'more cupcakes and one of my favorite korean dishes called Duk Bok Gi, it's made with rice cakes in hot red pepper paste. I was too excited to make these that I didn't take pictures with my usual camera. Used my iPhone so I apologize for poor picture quality! I also forgot to take pictures of the cupcake baking process...Oops :(

First I cleaned off the ends on the green beans then grabbed about 5-6 stems and wrapped them in bacon

Then I sprinkled a little garlic salt on them.

Finally I sprinkled some brown sugar.

Bake at 350 for 20min.YUMMMM SO GOOD!!!

S'more Cupcakes with whipped frosting. I frosted it as soon as it came out of the oven so that it melted a bit and tasted more like a marshmallow. Then add toppings...

These taste as good as they look!! :D

Duk Bok Gi, it is VERY spicy! I also added udon noodles. YuM~

Consumed WAY WAY WAY~ too many calories today, but it was so worth it! I had fun making everything and more fun eating it and sharing it with my family!! Thanks for stopping by :D

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